Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Silver Labu Sayong


What is it, by the way ?

Labu Sayong is an elegant, gourd-shaped carafe that is used to keep water cool. The jug, with the characteristic double bulb design, is burnt to a black colour that gives it the ability to cool its content quickly. It is even believed that the drinking water stored in the labu sayong has certain health properties to cure common ailments like cough and fever.

The labu sayong displays some fine designs inspired by Malaysian tradition and culture. Such motifs that can be found as ornamentation on the labu sayong are designs based on local flowers (bunga tanjung, bunga pecah empat), spices (clove, star anise) and leaves (bamboo shoots).


Weight: 0.2kg

Height: 4.5 inch

Width: 5 inch

Length: 5 inch

Price: USD3,300